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Greens, Greens, and More Greens: Kale, Beet Green and Swiss Chard Pie

(During our switch over to WordPress, I’ve been lax about getting some of our older recipes up. This was another reader request. Note to self: Work faster on transferring old recipes! But seriously, it’s lovely hearing from readers. And I hope you enjoy this recipe from 2012. We do.)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there’s nothing better than fresh greens in summer. There’s not a thing that compares to seeing those huge, leafy bouquets come in our CSA basket – and soon they will be out of season. So, to go out with a bang instead of a whimper, I decided to make a pie that celebrates these beautiful flavors along with a rainbow of peppers and two cheeses.

Greens Pie Ingredients: 

1 bunch each of beet greens, swiss chard and kale

Olive oil

Salt and pepper

Red Chili flakes

½ each of a yellow pepper, a red pepper and an orange pepper, diced

1 medium red onion, diced

1 cup of ricotta

½ cup of parmesan

2 pieces of pie dough (homemade or store bought)

1 egg

1 tablespoon of water

Additional equipment: A spring-form pan


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Wash and trim the greens. Working in batches, saute the greens in olive oil, salt, pepper and chili flakes to taste.

3 greens cooking

Let them drain in a colander and squeeze all of the liquid out with paper towels. You want them to be as dry as possible before they are baked.

3 greens draning

Saute the onions and peppers in olive oil, salt and pepper until they are soft – about 5-8 minutes.

3 greens peppers-final

In a large bowl mix together the greens, peppers, onions and cheeses.

3 greens filling-final

Grease a spring-form pan with olive oil and roll out one of the pie dough pieces so that it fits inside the spring form pan with a little over hang. Fill the dough with the greens and cheese mixture, then top with the second piece of pie dough. (You may need to roll it out a bit first – it depends on whether you make your own dough or buy it.)

3 greens filling

Crimp the sides of the dough to the top. Mix the egg and water together and brush it over the top of the pie. Carefully cut 3 slits into the top of the pie to let some of the steam escape. Wrap the spring form pan in aluminum foil just in case any moisture leaks from the bottom and place on a rimmed sheet pan. Bake until golden brown, about 30 minutes. Let it sit for 10 minutes to firm up before removing the sides of the pan.

3 greens-final pie


(Photos by Launie Kettler)

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