Radish Greens Chimichurri
You know that magic time of the year when you see plump red radishes at the farmers market or in your CSA box, and they have luscious greens attached? Welcome
In a small, Northern Vermont Kitchen, we sate our appetites with homemade meals and a love of local ingredients.
You know that magic time of the year when you see plump red radishes at the farmers market or in your CSA box, and they have luscious greens attached? Welcome
When the leaves start turnin’ my belly starts yearnin’ for some gnocchi in browned butter! And because it’s seasonal – and very close to my father in law’s birthday –
Now that CSA season is finally upon us (yay!) I realized I needed to do a deep dive in the fridge. For my birthday Jedd and Mom gave me a
It’s happening, folks! We’ve made it into May! And with May, comes all sorts of wonderful greens. Tatsoi, spinach, arugula, all the things that my salad spinner yearns for all
My cousin-in-law Mark loves to cook. But, not necessarily in an orderly fashion I.e., following a recipe. Instead, he loves to cruise through the refrigerator while imagining himself in a
Last summer Jedd and I found a tomatillo plant at Hudak’s, and went immediately over the moon. We both love tomatillos, and half the year they’re either sporadically in the
Our pistachio pesto chicken with seasoned salt roasted cherry tomatoes, really makes the very best summer dinner. It’s fast to pull together when you want to get outside and play,
When I fall in love with a recipe, I tend to make it over, and over, and over. Let’s just say I’m the queen of repetition. Chicken enchiladas every night
(Fun fact: When you write about for food for a living and also have your own website, some things fall through the cracks. Like this post from a couple of
My mother and I were on the phone the other night talking about food. We’re both avid cooks or “kooks,” as my adorably heavily accented Canadian Great-Grandfather pronounced it. And
I still keep good white wine around to add some flavors to sauces – but only just barely. My heart now officially belongs to dry vermouth. It makes pan sauces
What can you do with a bulb of kohlrabi, a few eggs, a dozen strands of chives and a handful of peanuts? No, this isn’t the season finale of Chopped.
I’m a little bit of a heathen, because I like pesto more as a snack than on pasta. Just give me a bowl of pesto, some vegetables and bread –
These pears will make you fall in love with yourself. They will make you fall in love with ginger, they will make you fall in love with star anise. And
This is an inadvertently healthy (adjacent) dish. Sure it’s fried, but it’s shallow fried for about a minute. And it has as many vegetables as it does meat.
My cousin gave us a massive amount of cilantro last week and I’ve been trying to use it all before it goes wonky. And the other night (perhaps propelled by